Muhao Chen

   Assistant Professor of Computer Science
   University of California, Davis
   Email: muhchen [Shift+2]
   CV   Calendar   Group Website

I am an Assistant Professor at Department of Computer Science at UC Davis. I direct the Language Understanding and Knowledge Acquisition (LUKA) Lab. My research focuses on robust and minimally supervised data-driven machine learning for natural language Processing. Most recently, my group's research has been focusing on accountability and security problems of large language models and multi-modal language models. Previously, I was an Assistant Research Professor of Computer Science at USC from 2020 to 2023, and a Postdoctoral Fellow at UPenn from 2019 to 2020. I received my Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science at UCLA in 2019. Before joining UCLA as a Ph.D. student, I graduated with a Bachelor degree from Fudan University in 2014.

  • Please refer to our group website for news: LUKA Lab. For information regarding openings, please refer to here.
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of California Los Angeles, 2019.
  • B.S. in Computer Science, Fudan University, 2014.

  In Chronological Order  By Categories
Technical Reports 
  • Muhao Chen. Robust, Generalizable and Minimally Supervised Knowledge Acquisition from Human Language. Rsch Stmt
  • Selected Awards 
    • Outstanding Paper Award, EMNLP 2024
    • Outstanding Paper Award, EMNLP 2023
    • Amazon Research Award, 2023
    • Keston Exploratory Research Award, 2023
    • Amazon Research Award, 2022
    • Cisco Research Award, 2022
    • NSF CRII Award, 2021-2023
    • ACM SIGBio Best Student Paper Award, 2020
    • UCLA Dissertation Fellowship. 2018-2019
    • Wang-Dao Scholarship (望道学者). Fudan University. 2014
    • Chun-Tsung Scholarship (莙政学者). Hui-Chun Chin and Tsung-Dao Lee Chinese Undergraduate Research Endowment. 2013
    • Tung OOCL Scholarships. 2012, 2013.
    Professional Services 
    • Association committee member.
      ACL Special Interested Group on NLP Security (SIGSEC) -- Founding Officer and Secretary
    • Organization/Senior committee member.
      2025: NAACL (Area Chair), ACL (Area Chair)
      2024: NAACL (Area Chair), ACL (Area Chair), LREC-COLING (Area Chair)
      2023: AAAI (Area Chair), ACL (Area Chair), EMNLP (Area Chair), AACL (Senior Area Chair), NLPCC (Area Chair)
      2022: NAACL (Senior Area Chair), AAAI (Senior PC), AACL (Area Chair), EMNLP (Area Chair), DLG4NLP@NAACL (Co-chair), Wise-Supervision@AKBC (Co-chair)
      2021: AAAI (Senior PC), IJCAI (Senior PC)
    • PC member.
      2022: NAACL SRW (Faculty Mentor) 2021: ACL, EACL, NAACL, WSDM, WWW
      2019: AAAI, AKBC, NAACL, ACL, EMNLP, BigData, WISE, NLPCC, SoCALNLP, AIKE (Doctoral Consortium Chair)
      2018: AAAI, BigData, EMNLP, NLPCC, SoCal NLP
    • Journal Reviewer: TPAMI, TACL, TNNLS, TASLP, Pattern Recognition, Bioinformatics, PLOS Computational Biology, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Cell Systems, Clinical and Translational Medicine, Nature Machine Intelligience, Comput. & Struct. Biotechnol., TKDD, TOIS, WWWJ, TKDE, BMC Genomics, BMC Medical Genomics, BMC Human Genetics, Human Genomics, Quantitative Biology, GeoInformatica, Information Sciences.